Diseases that can be treated with leeches

Varicose & Leech therapy

First, there is a symptom of " fatigue of the legs", in the future - swelling of the legs, not too pronounced and transient.
The first mention of the treatment of varicose veins occur about tree thousand years ago in ancient Egyptian papyri.

Varicose disease is inherent only in humans, due to the upright position of representatives of the species Homo sapiens during active life most of the circulating blood is below the heart level-the so-called "gravitational load" on the venous and lymphatic vascular system.

In the vertical position of the body, the walls of the veins of the lower extremities of a person experience significant pressure from the inside (hypertension in the superficial and deep veins). The "return" of blood from the lower extremities is provided not so much by the heart, but to a large extent by the contraction of the muscles of the lower extremities - the foot, Shin, thigh ("muscle pump", "peripheral heart") and venous valves that prevent the return of the venous blood flow downwards.

Varicose disease of the lower extremities is the most common vascular pathology. About 20% of men and 40% of women suffer from various forms of the disease. The world statistics of this disease notes its annual growth by 2-3%. In the development of the disease, the occurrence of the failure of venous valves is important, which normally prevent the "lowering of blood down" under the influence of gravity. This process affects both superficial and deep veins. That is why the removal of superficial veins or their sclerosis does not lead to a radical cure of human vessels. In the future, the disease returns only at a more serious, irreversible level. In addition, modern methods of treatment with a vessel of the lower extremities completely ignore the existence of the lymphatic vascular system. Modern medicine is just beginning to understand the importance of lymphatic circulation for human health.

Signs of venous insufficiency of the legs can be represented in stages and they develop over the years, first having a functional (reversible) character, but over time, burdening themselves with more and more they lead to anatomical, irreversible changes in the valves of the venous and lymphatic system, as well as the surrounding soft tissues, including the skin. First, there is a symptom of " fatigue of the legs", in the future - swelling of the legs, not too pronounced and transient. In the future, swelling of the legs become persistent and there are changes in the vessels and surrounding tissues, in the skin, in particular. On the skin, this is manifested in the form of Hyper - or hypopigmentation(ie, violation of normal skin color), lipodermatosclerosis and even eczema.

With further progression of the process, thrombophlebitis, phlebothrombosis and venous-trophic ulcers are observed. Here I would also like to mention hemorrhoids _ a disease associated with thrombosis, inflammation, pathological expansion and tortuosity of hemorrhoids, forming nodes around the rectum. Hemorrhoids - has in its origin a similar pathogenesis. But this is the topic of a separate article and I will focus on this in the future.

Treatment of modern medicine of varicose disease is carried out by conservative and operative ways.

Conservative :
  • appointment of elastic compression medical knitwear, wearing elastic stockings
  • phlebotonics and angioprotectors-drugs that increase venous tone(chimes, trental, Detralex)
  • anticoagulants-blood thinners
  • drugs that improve local metabolism(curiosin, lioton and many. others including phyto-and organ preparations)
  • anti-inflammatory drugs that have antiplatelet action(prevent blood clotting)
Sclerotherapy of veins — intravenous medication that causes the "bonding" of Vienna. I would not like to talk here about the side effects and complications of this type of therapy.

Surgical treatment is the removal of pathologically altered veins.

You can also mention here the radiofrequency therapy of veins and laser therapy as invasive(ie, intravascular) and non-invasive, ie surface.

Well, here we got to the traditional treatment of this disease, which was used thousands of years ago and is now experiencing a Renaissance, because many patients wanted to be treated naturally, without side effects and giving lasting results, the method of treatment.

Why medical leech treatment has always been traditionally used and applied to these problems so effectively and gives a stable result?

Everything is revealed, if we consider the mechanism of action of medical leeches. When the prefix leeches sucked a small part of stagnant blood and after its formulation in the human body appear:
  • hirudin that thins the blood, removing microthrombuses of the smallest vessels and greatly increases the microcirculation of the tissue, i.e. increasing the nutrition and respiration of tissues, as well as more rapidly removing the products of exchanges and toxins.
  • hyaluronidase, or lidase, which dissolves scar changes in tissues and restores the metabolic processes between blood vessels and tissues of the body;hyaluronidase also has antibacterial effect.
  • bdellin, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • acetylcholine, has the ability to relieve spasm of smooth muscles, relaxes blood vessels.
None of the modern treatment can provide a soft and stable improvement of microcirculation. This means increased blood flow in the affected area. After strengthening the microcirculation increases tissue nutrition, oxygen uptake and increase the output of toxins and decay products. This is a universal key to the treatment of almost any disease. Very close to this approach infrared laser therapy, but its effect is not so harmless.

Medical leech working as a small pharmaceutical factory solves many problems. It relieves inflammation, pain, greatly increases venous and lymphatic flow and outflow to the tissues. Thus not only treats, but also CURES the person. And without the use of traumatic and side effects of pharmaceuticals.

Not without reason, at the mention of medical leeches in most people immediately associated with varicose veins and edema. Yes, the leech therapy has long been used for these problems. And now more and more people are turning their eyes to this natural method of treatment.

Once again I would like to remind you that, despite the centuries-old history of the use of medical leeches and the apparent ease of use of this method, of course, requires professional use.

We have a long experience with very good results of hirudotherapy.

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