HEALTH ISSUES that can be treated with leeches

Liver Cleanse & Detoxification by Medicinal Leeches

The liver is one of the largest organs of the human body and plays a huge role in its life.
The liver is one of the largest organs of the human body and plays a huge role in its life.

The most important function is the elimination of toxins that are formed constantly in the process of human life. With irrational nutrition, alcohol abuse, "bad fats", drug treatment, various kinds of poisoning, viral infections, the load on the liver tissue increases many times.

In the liver, proteins that enter the human body with food are broken down to amino acids and then new proteins necessary for the body are synthesized.
The most important function is the elimination of toxins that are formed constantly in the process of human life. With irrational nutrition, alcohol abuse, "bad fats", drug treatment, various kinds of poisoning, viral infections, the load on the liver tissue increases many times.

In the liver, proteins that enter the human body with food are broken down to amino acids and then new proteins necessary for the body are synthesized.

The liver produces glucagon, which gives the body the opportunity to urgently restore the energy deficit.

In the liver there is a production of bile, necessary for the digestion of fats, the production of cholesterol. In the liver this occurs to a greater extent, and a small amount in other organs. Therefore, so untenable myths about the need to receive statins that reduce cholesterol and the "importance" of a fat-free diet.

The liver has great opportunities for regeneration, restoration of its functions and even size. If it does not fully cope with toxins, all organs and tissues suffer. The processes of natural aging of cells begin to proceed faster.

To help liver cells in this situation means to prevent liver damage, to increase its life resource, to stop the processes of premature wear of the body.

When defective liver function sees sypmtom such as allergic to many common food products and all that is in contact with the skin and lungs, fatigue, irritability, and insomnia.
The liver has great opportunities for regeneration, restoration of its functions and even size. If it does not fully cope with toxins, all organs and tissues suffer. The processes of natural aging of cells begin to proceed faster.
Modern methods of treatment include the appointment of phospholipids and glycyrrhizic acid products, vitamins and various extracts from herbs that protect and restore liver tissue, the so-called phytohepatoprotectors.

Hirudotherapy has traditionally been used in the treatment of liver diseases at various stages. Of course, the earlier the leeches are used in liver damage, the better the result.

Moreover, it is highly useful periodic leech therapy to sustain liver function. In the modern diet and bad environment, the value of this cannot be overstated.

Hirudotherapy is also very effective in various intoxications of the body. It is used in acute and chronic drug or alcohol intoxication. The effect is manifested immediately after the application of hirudotherapy.

The action of medical leeches is based on a significant improvement in the microcirculation of liver tissues, improving the nutrition of liver cells and excretion of the decay products of their liver cells.

  • Removes tissue swelling and allergic reaction, prevents the attack of liver cells own immune cells of the body, which perceive the altered liver tissue as foreign.
  • Purified liver again able to produce a full bile. Bile ducts are drained, there is no stagnation in the bile ducts. There are no prerequisites for the formation of gallstones. A sufficient amount of high-density cholesterol is synthesized in the liver tissues, which improves the condition of the artery walls
  • The pancreatic secretory duct in the joint mouth with the bile duct into the duodenum is restored.

If the harmonious working of the liver removed all the symptoms that afflict the body, restored the full functions of the internal organs.

The effect of leeches can be felt often after the first procedures.

Cleanses the skin, restores its appearance. Increases efficiency, reduces fatigue, and restores sleep. Stop the ageing process of the tissues of the body.

So the liver is a king organ which affects everything that happens in our body.

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+1 (484) 485-7574

11400 Bustleton Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19116
Hours of Operation:
Monday–Friday, 9AM—7PM
Saturday-Sunday, Closed